Simple Whipped Shea Body Butter Recipe

I love shea butter on my skin, but during the colder months of the year, shea butter can harden and become difficult to spread out on the skin. That’s why I like to whip my unrefined shea butter and make my own body butter.


 Follow the steps below to find out how to make simple whipped shea butter. 


  1. Melt the shea butter in a double boiler until it has fully liquified. 
  2. Remove the melted shea butter from the heat and add carrier oils of your choice. 
  3. Cool the shea butter mixture by placing the container in a freezer or putting the container in a bowl with ice to cool. 
  4. Add your essential oils! 
  5. Using a hand mixer, whip the mixture until you get a fluffy, airy texture that spreads evenly on your skin.

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